Archive for 9月, 2007


2007.09.14/15 Farewell and the last team building at Maersk

Dear colleagues,
主题:Farewell, Maersk!
    记得2006年5月的一天,我收到Maersk SZHGSC的offer,兴奋的心情难以压抑,我几乎第一时刻把这个消息告诉我认识的所有人,因为,这是我即将离开校园的第一份工作,想着曾荫权参选特首时说的话“我要做好呢份工!”。毫无疑问,刚进入公司时候的我很努力,很好问,什么不懂的,或是似懂非懂的,我都会问问周围的同事,特别要多谢Anna,她是我的第一个师傅,也是唯一的师傅,刚入Amendment team时都是这位“当时未结婚,现在已嫁人”的Anna姐姐耐心“教育”我,让我能在短时间内掌握工作的要点。
很是幸运,2006年8月,有惊无险度过probation的我,被Kitty(我第一位TL)提名推荐担当Amendment team building 的chairman,嗯,感激她一直以来这么信任我,工作一年多,和她谈论得最多,令我知道自己很多不足,我会好好珍惜你送给我的《礼物》-Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why we call it the present!
    2006年8月-2007年3月,这段时间里我在SZHGSC一直做得很开心,听取Anna的意见,应该更主动的做一点让大家都认识我的事情,所以,我加入了SRC, 在SRC的日子里,参加策划了许许多多的活动,很有成就满足感,其中很是有幸可以担任SZHGSC annual party的主持人,很奇妙的一次经历。
    2007年4月-2007年8月,很多事情交集在一起,让我适应不了工作,最后萌生了resign的念头,到外面去闯一闯,无心工作,给自己很多借口,工作很不负责任,经常性迟到,给TL和team里工作造成极大的不良影响,于是在2007年8月16日,我没脸再留在SZHGSC, 同时也不想给team里关心我的人带来更多麻烦,决定递交辞职信。在这段时间里,我要衷心感谢一个人--我现时的TL Moon姐,感谢她一直以来的“包容”,可是我却不懂得珍惜这份“包容”,反而更加纵容了自己的想法,很是过意不去。今天我们大家仍是同事,明天更是朋友,衷心祝福你爱情事业顺顺利利,呵呵。
    2007年9月初,离我last day还有最后两个星期的时间,发生了意想不到的事情,我收到地王Maersk Damco team的面试通知,也在没有告知对方我已经在SZHGSC辞职的事情,很快的就拿到了他们的offer,当时对公司的policy不是太清楚,以为一天没有离开,辞职信还可以拿回来,我就可以顺利的完成transfer过去地王马士基,可是最后输家还是我这个异想天开的年轻人。Transfer不但没有成功,反而落得被人认为“不诚实”的下场。没有办法,尽管到最后,我仍然想要留在马士基继续我的career,也再没有机会了。而在这个特殊案例中,要衷心感谢几个人,David Liu,EK,Kitty,Denis,Clara,你们都给了我很好的建议,还有最后的“敲门”-和Director Yens的谈话,终于明白到我应该Take the responsibility for my behavior。经过这件事情学到的东西,是我在马士基最大的收获。
    同时,在这里我想向Deamco team 的Viona 说声Sorry,希望你不要把我面试的时候没有告诉你我具体情况的事情放在心上,对你的工作造成的不便,我很过意不去,虽然我努力着尝试retrieve 辞职信,然而公司policy规定我不能retrieve,我挑战不了权威。至今,我还是很希望可以过去Damco team,很不甘心自己已经没有机会了。还有,Dear Vanessa,很抱歉也给你的工作造成不便,我对公司的policy具体不是太清楚,在这件事情中,我确实担当一个“不诚实”的角色。

    还有很多要多谢的人,例如David Yao,曾经的同窗同学,昔日的同房上下铺,昨天的工作伙伴,永远的良朋挚友。在马士基的这段日子,大家共同进退,我感到很荣幸有你这位知心好友;Kenny, 得闲再一齐煲烟啦;Amy,有空吃饭吧…
SZHGSC Amendment team assistant,是我人生中第一个工作,现在终于要说一句“Farewell”啦…同事们,我们有缘再聚,如果以后有机会的话,唱K,吃饭都可以预我一份。呵呵…

2007.09.11 News updated about my career in Maersk

Having received Maersk-Damco’s offer for over a week, I got no idea how about my retrieving my resignation form of Maersk GSC. Feel so bad also nervious, coz my last day will be Sep, 14th. Today, I just could not focus on my duty at my seat, but received no E-mail about the result… Considering what I should do further, I just went out to the fire-exit so many times smoking, from which I thought could make me feel reassuring, but acturally not. God damn it!
I must be responsilbe for my decision, right? Now I think nobody else can help me escape from the corner. And I must be responsible for myself, not just for my Maersk life, but for my career myself!
I came to the HR’s office for the result, but unfortunately also in my expect, I have no opportunity to retrievie the fucking resignation form, after the discussion of MNG team. Maybe, 3 days later, I must leave Maersk!
OK, Then, I went to our director’s office directly. The director, a Dane, called Yens, is a very tough guy, I think. Since my oral English is not so good, it is very hard to express my thinking to him, and I did not know whether he really got my point. And about my standpoint, he was too tough to give in. He said he could not give the exception to me, as he must accord to the policy of the company, and I must be responsible for my behavior. If he make me the exception, how can he give the mercy to the other 1,500 colleagues of the corp! In the end, he wished me good luck, and apraised me as a smart guy and my not so bad oral English, and I could hunt for my career, but should and must be responaible for myself. One hour later, I shook my hands with him and then leave his office feeling so bad but also with confidence. It is my 1st time to have a talk with an English-speaking guy for so long a time, also it is my wonderful experience, though the result is not my expected…
Late at night, I got another phone from Shenzhen Morningstar, who told me I got the interview chance and let me to check it in my Email. I just enclose it as bellow,
Dear applicants,

Congratulations to you for your resume being selected by our company. If you still want to join in our company and can attend our face-to-face interview in Shenzhen, please send your test answer to us ASAP (within one day) after you finish it. Please mark your “Chinese name” plus “English test answer” on the subject of your email. Please send your feedback to

The introduction of our company and test papers are attached here, please check them.

Good luck.

Morningstar (shenzhen) Ltd.